The official MJCMAG instrument for announcements, annunciations, briefings, bulletins, datum declarations, edicts, encyclicals, enlightenment to enunciations, evidence of factual information, familiarization to hard information with instructions, intelligence manifestos, pneumatograms, position papers, proclamations, programma, pronunciamientos de pruebas, public notices, the dope, the goods, to know the scoop, transmissions, ukase, and the pro-generation of everlasting words.
This blog post entertains a unique view of events that occurred during the original transmissions of data created through the early Summer Solstice Thursday, June 21, 2018 at 6:07 am EDT unto, through, and beyond this winter solstice. Basic images and code are supported for your pleasure.
Breathe easy, we get to close up the facility to keep the heat in, NOT keep the heat out. Where to begin, so many upgrades. We've missed so many patches due to squirrels screaming
for a nut, nails jumping out of boards, and chickadees afraid to get a seed. Never mind the static discharges, it's due to anti-gravity.
Casting aspersions and diversions, like fishing for bass: we would not have accomplished anything if it wasn't for the generosity of our Trustees, Engineers, Content Sculptors, and Muses.
We wish you a Happy Holiday and look forward to 2020 with excitement.
We did manage to knock out another yearly Christmas Carol. Tools to accomplish these tasks have gotten better and easier to use. OpenShot and Reaper have liberated us from the whips and slavery of commercial software. We indicated eons ago that the development of the animated gif and the mp3 represented the endgame for Hollywood. Why waste the time watching a two and half hour film drama (with less than 48K sound) when you can get the message in a few minutes. Never mind listening to the rendered audio mix through a 3.5mm woofer.
Hal rides a bike..
.. so do I.
Mom, I'm scared every time I ride my bike.
The numbers in post discussion are misconstrued. They aren't evidenced nor can they be substantiated. INET providers blocking segments of global traffic (i.e., nodes segmented,
reports indicate reduced numbers of user base) from different users. Screw those numbers ... be on the scope for massive data farming. Europe might be seeing larger user base, I dunno ..
who cares. Protect assets. Floundering, like a flounder, devoid of business acumen and acuity.. complete disregard of basic business tenets. Corrupting vintage Deming economics the
management is on acid. You can click on those urls at your own risk. There's probably an EN button somewhere on the tool-bar. Multiple language translations can't disguise the same gibberish. We've
been down this road before. The codec, browser, OS, and network methods of waging war. They go there, we stay here at home.
Supplier, "..late 4th quarter delivery, if we're lucky. ... Do you want one? even though TECH sector reports all major components suffering from same QC issues."
Solid evidence is readily available on torrent streams.
Loosely translated from Spanish or Italian, to German and French, and then to English.
A ~ "where ? wat was de best wateva wat==heck?"
H ~ "Homburg, with the Downtown Allstars. Tim Berne, Mark Dresser, Sylvie Courvoisier, and Tom Rainey..and (as the artist pauses to salt his side order of scrambled eggs) Elaboration."
A ~ "Still harvesting pesos from those sunkin' galleons?"
H ~ "..with BMI it's negligible."
A ~ "a good book?"
H ~ "Nica's Dream by David Kastin."
A ~ "Piano?"
H ~ "Boston K about 1920's."
A ~ ".. some more pancakes? freshen coffee?"
H ~ "ok"
A ~ "Oh, I really like Home Game. I love a "Clean Man" . I listen to it daily.
Woman desiren to have sovereignty
As well over their husband as over their love.
What he said, Happy Holidays. See you in 2020. I'm just the janitor.
Cum sociis et magnis dis purulent montes, nascent ridiculus musicos fermentum.