Mamaroso Records


Su di me (About Me)

My name is Maria Enrica Buddha. The Buddha family originated in Toscana, Italia. My grandmother, Irina Ermolina Chiariglione di Buddha, moved to Sicily where she met and married Carmine Eugenio Alfonso Viscante, an artisan carpenter and builder.Irina Ermolina Chiariglione di Buddha They had three daughters and one son together; Enrica Liliana, Ippolita Maria d’Este, Diletta Lara and, Mario Francesco. She eventually gathered her children, left her husband, and emigrated to the Convento de Santo Domingo in Malaga, Spain to escape persecution and to provide a “Western Classical Imprint” style of education for her children.

Enrica Liliana and Diletta Lara became nuns and were absorbed into the Convento de Santo Domingo. Mario Francesco joined the military and managed to get blown intoIppolita d'Este di Buddha a million pieces in a "great war." It was in Malaga where Ippolita d'Este di Buddha met Father Micheletto Corella LaPlinka of the Holy Order of the Sagrado Tatuaje. They fell into love, eloped and left the continent and settled in Peru. "Papa LaPlinka", as he came to be known in the Father Micheletto Corella LaPlinkaPeruvian community, built a robust business in the guano trade and in conjunction with the family plantation and his crafty business acumen amassed an immense amount of wealth.

LaPlinka and Ippolita had only one boy child. They dispensed with the Latin tradition of a multiple naming convention and simply called him Mario. As well, Ippolita was adamant that Mario's surname be Buddha after her mother who she abandoned in Malaga. Mario was sent to the finest schools that money could afford in the hopes that he would gain the academic and business knowledge to take over the family plantation and it's affiliated businesses. He chose instead to study spiritualism, metaphysics, philosophy, and the natural sciences his entire life.

My parents, Mario Buddha and Angeline Maria Fortunata Banytė, met at a MPAI academic consortium in 1973. I was born on October, 31, 1988 at the Bibbìa Tenuta di Campagna, Siracusa, Sicily. My father passed away October 31, 2022.
I'm married to Ximena Ofelia Roberta Sanchez de Chinchón.

Maria Buddha ~ CIO Mamaroso Records
About Mamaroso Records

My father, Mario Buddha, had esurient ears, an avid curiosity for vintage music, particularly esoteric 78 rpm recordings. His personal collection numbered over 3000 records. Here at Mamaroso we are undertaking the restoration of the best selections from his collection and making them available to the public. We are also releasing recordings from the world's most prestigious and accomplished musical artists.

Mario was also a producer of new musics and had built state-of-the-art recording studios in Tangier, Morrocco; Sri Lanka; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Trenton, New Jersey. The purpose for these studios was to provide an easy access for musical artists from around the globe to record their music. It is here at Mamaroso that you will hear the fruits of his efforts.

Mario had come to embrace the philosophy that, music is the universal language and the healing force of the universe, and hence endeavored to create an environment for musicians where they could create, compose, and record totally unencumbered by the constraints of their individual existences. Mario Buddha was the inventor of the true spiritual form of anti-music. We, at Mamaroso Records, will continue his traditions. ////

Knowledge bases, skills, and experiments

I was home-schooled since my birth by my parents. My mother had an extensive formal My Parentseducation in computational mathematics, physics, and the engineering sciences. My mother could speak, read, and write in five languages. My father’s expertise was liberal arts. My education was supplemented by private tutors. I remember all their names. As a young teen-ager I applied myself to large course studies at Dongshin University's College of Information and Science and the College of Oriental Medicine. I then continued on with my academic pursuits at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France, mastering quantum algorithmic computing, global modeling simulations for educational systems, and developing intelligence applications for the environmental sciences. I went on to intern and study television broadcasting methods and systems with Raffaella Maria Roberta Pelloni (Raffaella Carrà) a friend of my father. She served as a mentor and friend to me for a whole life. I occasionally audit studies at Princeton University’s Department of East Asian Studies. My current research interests are studying brainwashing, belief conversion, technologies used in belief contagion, and contemporary women in Chinese art and society.

Besides managing Mamaroso Records, I have taken over the responsibilities of President of MJCMAG. When my father died, he left the responsibilities of the Presidency with me. I work closely with Ivan Creosote, Czar of Operations, to manage the large collection of assets in our archives, coordinate the sessions of the diverse esoteric artists on our roster, and schedule new artistic presentations. I also post pertinent content on the MJCMAG periodical, "The Eye", as it relates to our activities and universal mission.

“Every word has consequences.
Every silence, too.”

Philanthropy and Scholarship

I support numerous philanthropic and humanitarian organizations. I balance my devotions equally with established Earth science organizations and institutes whose primary focus are sustaining ecological objectives. I am on the board of directors for the Institute for Human Relations, a private philanthropic organization whose sole foci are to coordinate a balance of humanitarian and ecological objectives through a global system of open source educational initiatives and structures.

I diligently seek out people, organizations, and business enterprises that indicate they are willing to work to build sustainable network environments and who show courage when confronting difficult problems. I currently support Bootstrap Studio technologist GabbyGabriela Pavlova a Bootstrap Studio Developer for Bootstrap Studio, whose software is a foundation for our media presentations and Xiaoying Riley, Product Designer, for 3rd Wave Media whose web templates we have customized for a better world of people that are in need of support and enlightened encouragement.

Thank you for reading my communication.
I leave you with a media love meditation.
Come Sunday


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